MDX Components


Render an alert callout.

<Alert level="info" title="Important">

This is an alert



  • title (string)
  • level (string)
  • dismiss (boolean)

Use this for these types of content:

  • Important: Use these for information that's critical to know; it's important for users to read, but won't cause a catastrophic problem if they don't read it. These include versions that introduce breaking changes or feature limitations. Use infrequently.
    • Use this with or without a title
  • Warning: Use these for items that MUST be well understood before proceeding. These highlight information that could cause users to make catastrophic errors that break their applications in ways that are very difficult to fix or create liabilities for them, such as information needed to avoid leaking PII. These should be used very rarely.
    • Use with the title "Important"; do not use the title "Warning"

An Alert component with no level setting will render as a Note component.

See also the Note component.

Code Blocks

Consecutive code blocks will be automatically collapsed into a tabulated container. This behavior is generally useful if you want to define an example in multiple languages:

function foo() {
  return "bar";

def foo():
  return 'bar'

Sometimes you may not want this behavior. To solve this, you can either break up the code blocks with some additional text, or use the <Break /> component.

Additionally code blocks also support tabTitle and filename properties:

```javascript {tabTitle: Hello} {filename: index.js}
var foo = "bar";


Render a heading with a configuration key in the correctly cased format for a given platform.

<ConfigKey name="send-default-pii" notSupported={["javascript", "node"]}>

Description of send-default-pii



  • name (string)
  • platform (string) - defaults to the platform value from the page context or querystring
  • supported (string[])
  • notSupported (string[])


Render a note.


Something important, but maybe not _that_ important.


Use this for these types of content:

  • Prerequisite(s): Use these to list things that are required to finish. Place them prior to the procedure/process that follows so a user doesn't start and stop.
  • Note: to document information that's relevant to the topic, but isn't part of the larger point of the content. This might include a piece of information that should be highlighted, but isn't necessarily more important than other information. These include calling out early adopter features or providing clarification. Use sparingly.

Don't use a title with this type of note.

See also the Alert component.


Render all child pages of this document, including their description if available.

<PageGrid />


  • header (string) - optional header value to include, rendered as an H2
  • nextPages (boolean) - only render pages which come next based on sidebar ordering


Render an include based on the currently selected platform in context.

<PlatformContent includePath="sdk-init" />


  • includePath (string) - the subfolder within src/includes to map to
  • platform (string) - defaults to the platform value from the page context or querystring

Some notes:

  • When the current platform comes from the page context and no matching include is found, the content will be hidden.

  • When the current platform comes from the page context path (not the querystring) the platform selector dropdown will be hidden.

  • Similar to PlatformSection, you can embed content in the block which will render before the given include, but only when an include is available.

  • A file named _default will be used if no other content matches.

Note: This currently causes issues with tableOfContents generation, so its recommended to disable the TOC when using it.


Render terms in the correct case within the body text of a page (not in code samples) based on the platform case_style setting:

<PlatformIdentifier name="before-send" />

For example, if you use <PlatformIdentifier name="before-send" />, it will render as:

  • beforeSend if case_style=camelCase
  • before_send if case_style=snake_case
  • BeforeSend if case_style=PascalCase

This component only works properly in platform pages.

Useful for linking to platform-specific content when there's not a specific platform already selected.

<PlatformLink to="/enriching-events/" />

This will direct users to a page where they can choose the platform, and then to the appropriate link. If they're within a page that already has an active platform, it will simply link to the appropriate page and skip the redirect.


Render a section based on the currently selected platform in context. When the platform is not valid, the content will be hidden.

<PlatformSection notSupported={["javascript", "node"]}>

Something that applies to all platforms, but not javascript or node.



  • platform (string) - defaults to the platform value from the page context or querystring
  • supported (string[])
  • notSupported (string[])
  • noGuides (boolean) - hide this on all guides (takes precedence over supported/notSupported)
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